

The safest and most convenient way to buy and sell luxury watches on the secondary market

"A seamless experience throughout."
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Technologies used

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Project Details


Full-stack web application for an auction platform with user-generated listings, built-in payments, admin features, and more.

Services Rendered

  • Redesign in Webflow including: Logo, Fonts, Colour Pallets, and interactions
  • Design system built in Webflow, using components
  • Webflow Devlink to link components to React application
  • Application front-end built in Nextjs
  • Back-end built in NodeJS using TRPC
  • Custom database in Planetscale, connected with Drizzle
  • Custom OAuth integration with Auth0.
  • Realtime features for the auction system using
  • Full-stack application delivered and distributed on Vercel


Meridian Auctions is a next-generation auction platform facilitating sales of secondary-market luxury watches in the Asian markets, primarily the Phillippines.

They approached us to revamp the design and functionality of their MVP, which had been built using Laravel / PHP. 

After some initial exploration, we decided that the best approach was to rebuild the entire application from top-to-bottom using React / NextJS - as this gave us access to a wealth of resources and services that would make launching and operating the business easier.

The front-end was designed and built using Webflow, following the Client-first style system. The components were then ported to React using DevLink, and the application was built using NextJS and deployed using Vercel. The API for the backend was built using TRPC for type-safe interactions with the front-end.

A combination of serverless architecture and background workers serve to complete the auction-like functionality, including real-time notifications, email services, and an admin panel screen for Meridian to manage incoming and ongoing auctions.

Payment is facilitated through a completely custom integration with Xendit - a similar service to Stripe which operates in the Phillippines.

"Working with UZO LAB has been a pleasure. Before contacting them, I was working with a developer to build an MVP which left me feeling disappointed and wanting more, until a friend referred me to uzo lab.

Working with them has been a seamless experience throughout, and they've helped redesign the platform from top-to-bottom. In a few short months, we're now at a point where we can launch the business to the market and scale"

Jonathan, Founder


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